About Never Have Ever

Welcome to Never Have Ever! Never Have Ever is a game site in association with other sites such as truths and lies (another popular game). Neverhaveever.com was in production from late 2016 but only officially published in 2017.

Though being a native English-speaking individual We seek different ways for all languages and races to connect. By using a popular game such as Never Have I Ever and of course the power of the internet we have done just that! Our audience not only breaks through language barriers but also ages. We have "Never Have I Ever" questions for kids right up through to adults.

We have some new upcoming features that will for sure interest our subscribers. They will be all revealed at the right time, so subscribe to our yearly infographic. Trust me this is something worth subscribing to!

If there are any questions you wish to add to the site or better yet, any suggestion for current questions or designs we have a dedicated contact form for both.

Contact us here.

As aforementioned Never Have Ever has been around for quite some time even before our beloved Ellen started playing the game on her show.  The game is timeless and can be played in almost any setting whether that be with family, the kids or teens, at the pool, or even in class. Of course, you need to select the appropriate questions for each category but this game is one of the best icebreakers out there. Give it a try if you haven't!

Some References about Never Have Ever: