As promised from last weeks update there have been some new additions to the site along with a few minor changes.
Starting off with the minor changes:
- We improved the speed of the site. If you are a returning visitor a definite speed increase will be observed between transiting through questions.
- Next up we minimalize the questions pages. Therefore dates and votes were all removed, the only visible attributes are the Never Have I Ever questions, your choice boxes and the results (we have also done something interesting with the results, keep reading to find out more).
We had added a counter to the percentage of votes (not the actual number of votes). Now there is a 1.5-second animation for the percentage of people who voted for a question upon checking this information.
This one is really exciting, we have added our first beta feature – Never Have I Ever Countries!
Countries Beta 1.0
We have added a list of the top 3 most popular countries per question. Meaning that the three countries listed can change depending on which country’s voted more for the questions. Don’t worry zero personal information is stored (not even the time or date of the voter) We just add a count to your country. Never Have Ever values every user’s privacy and would not dare breach it. This feature still has a long way to go and depending on your feedback, will determine what direction we will tread. With this data, we reach even closer to our goal which is to bring people of all languages and countries together using a common base.
Noteworthy changes
There has been an increase in Never Have I Ever questions for kids we are investigating this change and will respond next week with more details.
There has also been a trend on weekends of a massive influx of users searching for questions. No doubt this is because the weekend is when the party starts – friends and family can finally get together after a long week to play! So what are you waiting for? Tell your friends and join the fun.

Over the past week, we have added approximately 50 new questions across all categories and received well-over 10, 000 new votes. So thank you for your continued support of this project.
Remember we depend on you to determine if we should keep these new additions so send us your feedback on the new changes.