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Who can Play Never Have I Ever?

Never Have I Ever can be played with literally anyone, well provided they can either read or speak – so no babies! Questions on Never Have Never are categorized to help you better understand which category suits who you are playing with. For example, Funny questions can be played with anyone while Adult or Kids questions should be played by Adults and Kids respectively. Drunk and Dirty questions can be played by Adults or late Teens. Each category has a small sample of the questions in each category so if unsure check there.

What type of people should I play with?

You can play with a variety of people most common being, friends or family. Never Have I Ever can also be used as an icebreaker for people who are essentially strangers. This can be in a work environment or at school or even with different friend groups. The type of people you choose to play with will determine what type of questions you use. For example with family, you can use funny and clean questions. While a night out with friends might require dirty or drunk questions.

Where can I play Never Have I Ever?

Never Have I Ever requires no set environment. Just be around some fun loving people and let the games begin! Questions can be pre-written or bought in the form of a card game if for some reason an internet connection is unavailable. This game can be played on the beach standing in a circle or in a room with friends. The sky is the limit… actually you can play up there too!

How old is this website?

Never Have Ever is rapidly approaching its 3rd birthday.

How many people are needed to play?

Never Have I Ever can be played with any number of people. Because each round everyone gets to participate without slowing the game down. For example, only one person has to ask the question but everyone reacts to the question at the same time (by drinking if you are playing the drinking game, or by raising their card). This game is literally more fun the more people play, the stories are to die for.