Drinking Game Never Have I Ever Questions
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Before we begin please note this category contains some dirty never have I ever questions mixed in. This would not be a problem for most people playing but it has to be said never the less.
Now that is out of the way lets jump right into it!
Note some people will get drunk playing this game. Arrange to have dedicated drivers in the mix and give them some juice or weaker alcohol to drink or call taxis or an Uber.
How to Play
Assign everyone a cup filled to the same level with alcohol. Begin by asking the first question, “Never Have I Ever…” Whoever had done the question (including you) has to drink. Then the next person asks Never have I ever… and so on and so forth.
What not to do
Do not lie – drink if you have and don’t if you haven’t.
Do not direct questions towards a specific individual, this can make them uncomfortable. Imagine if only you are drinking for all of one person’s questions – it gets awkward pretty fast trust us.
Quite easy right?
Not quite. Playing is not as easy when you start becoming drunk! Check out some of our strategies below to help you not get as drunk as the crowd.
This length of this game varies depending on the promiscuity of the group. If they are ‘experienced’ the game will end quite quickly but with everyone in giggles. Secondly, it depends on your friend’s ability to hold liquor.
But it is you we are focusing on, and how you will survive the night.
Start by picking questions you don’t always have to drink to. Mix it up so your friends can see you are still having fun. Choose some questions that you know most of them have done but you haven’t. This way they still get the enjoy the game and your question is still a fun one.
Try to play standing up. This is a general rule to not let yourself get too tipsy too quickly. While on your feet keep active in the area, a few steps back or forward just to keep the blood flowing.
Next, make sure you eat before even starting to play. This does not have to be directly before but at least within a few hours of playing.
If you plan to get drunk arrange transportation this could be a friend, a taxi an uber whatever you need to make sure you get home safe without sitting behind the wheel of a car.
It is very important not to drink and drive